Creating change
“The starting point for a better world is the belief that it is possible.”
“The time is always right to do what is right.”
- Because you want to have a say in what your world looks like in 2040…
- Because you’ve suffered an injustice or seen one done to someone else – a friend, a neighbour or someone on TV…
- Because everyone on the planet is responsible for its future…
- Because you know that everyone counts…
Because global conflict, global warming and poverty affect all of us…
Greenhouse gases released in Europe make the ozone hole over Australia bigger.
Because what we do affects others around the world…
The money you use to buy something in a shop in Tasmania can end up helping a local farmer, a poor village in Africa, a sweatshop owner or a multinational company – it’s your choice.
Because we can learn useful skills…
By dealing with bullying at school you will learn new skills to prevent or resolve conflict peacefully.
Because we need to get our own community in order…
By noticing and caring for everyone in the schoolground we are making a fairer, more peaceful world.
Make a personal commitment to live responsibly
- Reduce your ‘environmental footprint’ (conserve energy, become a vegetarian, reduce, reuse, recycle).
- Be caring and inclusive (get to know the neighbours, include those sometimes excluded).
- Choose a career that contributes to a better world (community service, advocacy, science & technology).
- Shop responsibly (buy less, buy fair, buy recycled).
Get informed and stay informed about issues
- What are the problems (human rights, poverty, conflict, global warming)?
- What are the causes of the problems?
- What are possible solutions?
- Who’s doing what to help or hinder?
- Use the Internet – there is heaps of inspiration and information out there.
Take action – adopt a cause and work with others for change
- Remember that everyone does have skills to contribute (stamping envelopes is just as important as making a public speech).
- Join a group making a difference.
- Discuss issues with friends and family.
- Write letters to politicians, the newspaper, organisations.
- Join with others in peaceful actions that raise awareness.
- Volunteer time to a group that’s making a difference.
- Work to improve your skills, so that you are more confident in contributing.
Racism. It stops with me: learn more about racism and how to fight it.
Good Return: a microfinance site that empowers people to break the poverty cycle.
Australian Human Rights Commission: information on how you can find out more about human rights and get involved.
Amnesty International: discover many ways to get involved with this global movement of over 7 million people committed to defending those who are denied justice or freedom.
Yerp: a toolkit for 12-25 year olds with ideas for stepping up and making change in the community.
Ethical Consumer Guide: get the low-down on the environmental and social record of companies behind common brand names. Shop with a clear conscience.
Oaktree Foundation is young people leading a movement to end poverty. It is Australia’s largest youth-run organisation with over 150,000 members.
Taking IT Global: one of the world’s leading networks of young people learning about, engaging with, and working towards tackling global challenges.
Global Youth Action Network: is an international network of youth NGOs. The network acts to develop global partnerships and increases youth participation in decision-making, particularly within the United Nations System.
Kiva: a worldwide network of microfinance institutions which lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world.
UNICEF’s Voices of Youth: fresh and honest views and stories, written and filmed by international youth bloggers, showing that young people are making a difference, each and every day.
Green America: search hundreds of company profiles by name or by industry, comparing their corporate responsibility records, and choose from dozens of campaigns to help curb corporate abuse.
Green America: Programs: aims to harness economic power to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. From sweatshops to fossil fuels, Green America’s campaigns often have an international focus.
iEARN (International Education and Resource Network): enables students and educators worldwide to design and participate in global projects as part of their regular classroom and after-school programs.
Do Something: one of the largest organisations for young people and social change in the world, Do Something supports the work of young people who want to make a difference in their world. Choose a campaign and launch it in your community.
Pay it Forward Day: pay it forward with an act of kindness. At last count there were more than 3 million people in 70 countries around the world participating on the day.
The (En)Rich List: celebrates a wealth of inspirational individuals who have taken action for a better world.
Global Citizen: connected Global Citizens and artists to call on world leaders, corporate leaders, and philanthropists to do their part.
Check out our YouTube playlist for some short videos on creating change
Propeller Fund: a range of short films about young Australians making a difference in their community.
The Global Goals: a new animation about taking action, from World’s Largest Lesson.
Youth Voices: short clips made by students on a range of topics.
1 minute videos created by teenagers on a range of issues.
Ryan’s Well: at the age of six Ryan Hreljac learned that without access to clean water people become ill and sometimes even die. He set out to raise $70 towards building a well in Africa. After reaching his goal, Ryan continued to work and organise. Ryan’s Well Foundation carries on Ryan’s inspirational work. (DVD available from AFW)
There are many groups and individuals in Tasmania working for a fairer world. Some of these are specifically for young people or work specifically with young people. Many are listed on other pages on this site.
Ones that can put you in touch with other young people or services include:
- Department of Communities Tasmania provides links to youth services around Tasmania.
- Youth Network of Tasmania is the peak body for the non-government youth sector in Tasmania.
- A Fairer World provides education programs for social justice, human rights and diversity. Find out more about their programs and services for workplaces, schools and the community.