Gender equity

“Gender inequalities are still deep-rooted in every society. Women suffer from lack of access to decent work and face occupational segregation and gender wage gaps. In many situations, they are denied access to basic education and health care and are victims of violence and discrimination. They are under-represented in political and economic decision-making processes.”

Division for Sustainable Development

Do you know how much women in Australia earn compared to men? (interactive graph of wage earnings) source

1 out of 5 or %28.7 of board directors in Australia are women. source

One in every three women around the world has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. source

In 2018, female leads in top films were 4 times more likely to be shown wearing revealing clothing. source

Every 90 seconds, a woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth. source

16 million girls will never set foot in a classroom. Women account for two thirds of the 750 million adults without basic literacy skills. source

Missing Perspectives is a feminist and youth-led newsroom that addresses the marginalisation of young women in both news coverage and decision-making.

Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania: Fact sheets on women and girls in Tasmania. Topics include general demographics, economic security, health, homelessness and justice.

The Line: Website for young people where relationships, gender, sex and bystander action are discussed.

Sustainable Development – Gender equality: Progress is being made in some areas of gender equity, but numbers of women at risk still remain high.

The World Bank: Gender equality information from around the world – articles, reports, statistics and key facts. See also the Little Data Book on Gender for free download.

Working Group on Girls: Action for girls’ rights around the world.

UN Women:  Why Sustainable Development Goal 5 – “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”- is important to eradicating world poverty.

Australian Human Rights Commission: Promotes gender equity and removing harassment and discrimination.

Lawstuff: Legal help for people under 25 – find out about sexual assault and sexual harassment.

UNFPA: Women’s health including pregnancy, childbirth and gender-based violence globally.

World Health Organization: Features an alphabetical list of Health Condition Fact Sheets.

Our Watch: Prevention of violence against women and children in Australia.

Check out our YouTube playlist for some short videos on gender equity.

Tackling Sexual Harassment: 8½ minute video by the Australian Human Rights Commission.

Two short videos from UN Women; 20 young activists and A global history of women’s rights

Neela’s Story: A 14 year old survives an acid attack. Large range of video stories about gender issues in the developing world.

To Educate a Girl: What does it take to educate a girl? A visually stunning view of that effort through the eyes of girls in Nepal and Uganda.

More from The Girl Effect series: The Girl Effect 2 and I Dare You.

Equals: 2 minute video clip by James Bond stars, Daniel Craig and Judi Dench.

Words at Work: Video about the importance of watching you language!

Equality Rights Alliance Extensive list of non-profit organisations that support women’s rights.

He For She is an invitation for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women.

Equality Now Personal ways to show your support for gender equality, including various organisations that support women’s rights.

Our Watch Take action in your school with Respectful Relationships Education.

Women’s Health Tasmania Run by women for women, group activities, information and support, free and confidential counselling.

Engender Equality has worked with and on behalf of individuals, families and communities affected by family and domestic violence in Tasmania.

Department of Premier and Cabinet has a list of Tasmanian contacts List of Tasmanian contacts; policies, procedures and programs regarding participation of women in community and government.

Equal Opportunity Tasmania Deals with complaints of discrimination and provides anti-discrimination training to workplaces and schools.

Women’s Legal Service Provides legal advice and services, with a confidential telephone line.

Girls Gotta Know legal information for young women.

Guy Gotta Know legal information for young men.

UTas aims to reduces gender barriers through University Equity Committee.

Other learning resources

A Fairer World has posters, classroom activities, books, DVDs and web links on global issues such as gender equity. Contact us for a complete list of resources available free or on loan to members.

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