Students Against Racism

Inclusion programs in partnership with Students Against Racism

Students Against Racism is a group of students from diverse backgrounds based at TasTAFE and managed by English language teacher, Gini Ennals.

The group has won many awards for its workshops and presentations including:

In partnership with A Fairer World, the Students Against Racism deliver powerful anti-racism workshops.

Living in Between is a multi-award winning anti-racism workshop that aims to create more inclusive schools and workplaces by providing an opportunity for Tasmanians to get to know people who have arrived as refugees and migrants. The workshop includes stories and activities that explore the consequences of racism and how it can be addressed. Over 10,000 people have participated in Living in Between workshops since its inception in 2008.

For more information, please contact Gini Ennals on 0428 642 506 or at [email protected]

Students Against Racism logo

Students Against Racism was formed in 2008 by a group of students who came to Tasmania as refugees and migrants from a diversity of countries and personal circumstances. Working with their teacher, Gini Ennals, the students developed a dramatic presentation, Living in Between, to explain why they left their homelands, the journey that brought them to Australia, and their lives now.

Their aim in developing the presentation was to be proactive in the face of the racism they encountered, which they felt came from a lack of understanding about why asylum seekers, refugees and migrants leave their home countries and settle in Tasmania.

Founders of the Students Against Racism believe that in diversity lies strength and by sharing stories and addressing misconceptions, we can build a stronger, more harmonious, community.

Students Against Racism, now based at TasTAFE, has delivered workshops to over 10,000 people in schools, workplaces, universities and TAFE classes, at conferences and with community groups across Tasmania and in other states.

Since 2015, Students Against Racism has also presented workshops as a part of the Tasmanian Police Recruit Training course. Over 220 young people from countries including Sudan, Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Bhutan, Burma, Ethiopia, Egypt, China, Thailand, Iran, Pakistan, India, Chile, Poland, Italy, Vietnam, Uganda, Burundi, Kuwait and Timor, have joined Students Against Racism and trained as presenters.

This group not only benefits the wider community through promoting cross-cultural understanding, it also has huge benefits for the participants, who are able to feel connected and welcome in their new home.

For more information visit the Students Against Racism Facebook page.

Living in Between is the name of the workshop presented in schools, workplaces and at events to educate about inclusion and cultural diversity. The workshop creates a safe place to discuss issues around culture, diversity and why people settle in Australia.

The workshop is tailored to each audience and can equally inspire and educate primary students and community leaders.

We believe that acts of discrimination and racism occur as a result of:

  • a lack of understanding about why refugees, asylum seekers and migrants leave their homelands and settle in Tasmania; and
  • a lack of opportunity for Tasmanians to get to know people who have arrived as refugees.

Living in Between allows Students Against Racism participants to explain why they left their homelands, the journey that brought them to Australia and their lives now, and in doing so to actively combat misinformation and prejudice.

Storytelling is the oldest form of education. People around the world have always told tales as a way of passing down their cultural beliefs, traditions, and history to future generations. When we know another’s story, we understand each other. When we understand one another, acceptance and empathy are created. Personal stories are memorable and inspirational.

Living in Between is an opportunity to learn first-hand about our differences and similarities through sharing stories about settling in Australia and the pain and pleasure of living between two cultures.

We are grateful to the organisations that have supported the development and running of the program since its inception in 2008, including Hobart College, TasTAFE, Tasmanian Community Fund, Sydney Myer Fund, Alcorso Foundation, Department of Immigration and Citizenship and Department of Social Services.

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