Join us as a member
By joining us as a member you will be helping us to deliver high-quality social justice education and training in Tasmanian schools and workplaces.
- Benefits of membership:
- Login and access online resources.
- Borrow resources from our library.
- Book our meeting room, computer or Internet use at our office in Battery Point.
- Book a FREE one-hour introductory session about our work
Discounted rates for:
- professional learning, events, and training;
- assistance to access community networks and plan events or campaigns;
- personal assistance with lesson or curriculum planning;
- curriculum materials and support for our programs; and
- hire of equipment, including tables and display boards.
Organisational membership and annual cost
We also offer reciprocal membership to other member-based community organisations, contact us for more information.
MAD donations – Making A Difference in Tasmanian schools
Make a tax deductible donation and we’ll give you a complimentary membership. Your donation helps us to keep our programs and services affordable to Tasmanian schools.
- Membership includes GST.
- Donations are GST exempt.
- Donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

A Fairer World Inc (ABN 35 498 244 277) also operates the Global Learning Resource Library Inc (ABN 95 646 520 620). Both organisations are charities registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status with the Australian Taxation Office. This means that any donation over $2 can be claimed on your tax return.